UK Finance Membership

Cubefunder x UK Finance

UK Finance is an authoritative, balanced, and evidence-led industry body, representing members who provide finance, banking, markets, and payments-related services in or from the UK.

It formulates policies for its members and advocates those policies with the HM Government, regulators, media, and supports industry collaboration in the interests of efficiency and better customer outcomes.

Cubefunder Membership:

UK Finance works to promote a safe, transparent, and innovative banking and finance industry. They do so by, for example, offering research, policy expertise, thought leadership, and advocacy in support of their work.

Tallaght Financial Ltd, trading as Cubefunder, proudly became a member of UK Finance in 2021.

Being a member of UK Finance offers us access to their wide-ranging expertise and their extensive policy and guidance, the ability to join influential working groups and committees or participate in industry-leading events, seminars, and conferences. It also allows us to be part of a safer and more inclusive financial system and develop responsible and ethical innovation.

In addition, it allows us access to industry-wide collaboration, gather data and evidence-backed representation with policymakers and regulators, the opportunity to learn the actions necessary to protect the financial system, and relevant training.

As an active member of UK Finance, we always try to share informative articles and be a step ahead. With that in mind, we have penned a blog post highlighting the importance of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the workspace.

At Cubefunder, 70% of our senior management team is female-led and we constantly aim to push gender equality within our workspace. As an example of this, in 2021, we signed up for the Women in Finance and the FinTech For All Charters, pledging to promote gender diversity, and end harassment in the workplace.

Watch this space for further updates and developments in this area.

UK Finance Blog Posts

Published by: Cubefunder

Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the workspace: Vital for any organization

Cultivating a diverse and open work ecosystem is all about empowering people by respecting and appreciating what makes them different, in terms of gender, age, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, and...

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